Pastor and staff
Pastor: Bro. L Z Johnson and wife Debbie
Bro. L Z is retired from the US Army and Debbie is retired from the Chattanooga Airport Authority. Bro. L Z is a graduate of Athens State College, Athens, AL. In 2010, he received a Certificate for Bivocational Ministries through the Southern Baptist Seminary Extension Center in Nashville, TN. Additionally, he is a Certified Master Chaplain for Homeland Security.
Bro. L Z began his ministry at Cowan First Baptist Church as Minister of Education in 2007 and was called as Associate Pastor in 2009. Bro. L Z serves on the Executive Leadership Board for the Duck River Baptist Association.
Bro. L Z and Debbie have four children (Matt is deceased) and seven grandchildren.
To e-mail Bro. LZ Johnson, use or you can reach him at 931-636-8800.
The staff at Cowan First Baptist Church has spent many years committed to Christian service. Our staff enjoys serving our community, whether in sharing our faith or just lending a helping hand. The staff here is prepared to address any questions and needs you may have. Here are a few of Cowan First Baptist Church’s staff members.
Steve Young
Chair of Deacons
Doyle Coulson
Sunday School Director
Kyle Hatchett
Worship Leader
Sylvia Coulson
Women on Mission
Charlene Cunningham
Children’s Director
Eric Bradford
Youth Pastor
Tom Mooney
Chair of Trustees
Mia Wilkerson
Choir Director
Philip McDonald
Sunday School Secretary
Church Custodian